A mother blessing is a unique and sacred ceremony for a mother-to-be. It stems from the indigenous traditions of blessing way ceremonies, which historically were held for warriors descending to the journey of battle, as well as women who were embarking on the journey of birth. A journey can take form in many ways.

The mother Blessing can be in the privacy of your own home, at a park under a shaded tree or at one of your friends’ home. Usually you invite between 2 to 12 of your closest friends or family.

I will set up the area and facilitate this beautiful and honouring space whilst you soak up all the Goddess goodness. This is your time to be held, supported and nurtured before you birth your baby. The beautiful ceremony space will have crystals, candles, tarot and flowers.

I am totally flexible and adaptable. Here are some suggestions for the Mother Blessing:
• Meditation and/or breathework to help everyone to drop more into their body’s and heart spaces.
• Honouring the Goddess mum with gentle massage, flowers, foot bath, pampering.
• Create a beaded braclet that is worn during your labour to remind you of the support from your tribe.
• Red thread activity which helps connect you with the other fellow women.
• Express gratitudes and guidance for the mama to be. Feel more connected and supported by your tribe.
• Yoga/dancing